I'm a simple girl in a complex world.


Its official, I'm going back to school. I miss school, I miss learning and being on a campus. I've made the decision and even told my boss about it. I've prayed about it and still praying that God will direct my ways regarding what program to study.

I wish I would have been a praying high school kid to seek God's face regarding what school, degree, e.t.c I should go into. There's no time for regret I guess, but this time I'm not making the same mistake twice.

I take my first HR class at UC this spring and I've excited about it. I got interested in HR after working at my current position and with the research I've done, I think it will be a great fit for me. It's a career that has a lot of women, so I guess competition will be fierce but it's also a career that seems to be friendly to women who want to have a family.

Cost of school will be high but I trust that God will provide, He did during my undergrad and I know He'll do it again.

Looking forward to being a student again and joining the ranks of those who complain about having too much work to do and not getting enough sleep.

Happy Learning!


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