I'm a simple girl in a complex world.

Hiatus is over

I promise this is not someone who stole my identity to blog on my behalf. I have been MIA for two reasons:

One, I haven't felt like I have had anything of value to say. Secondly, I have been preoccupied with life that even when I think I have something valueable to say, I fall asleep as I am typing.

Here's an update of my life since May. I started playing softball again with the Mr, but he's completely new to the sport. We are playing with the same group of friends I've been playing with for the past four years. We renovated our house and I used that word lightly. We painted the living room and kitchen and truly renovated the bathroom. It Cost way too much money but I guess it will be worth it when it's time to sell.

God has been doing a lot of talking and luckily I've been listening. I have a single women's event in the works, if I don't chicken out.

The Mr. and I celebrated 11 months of marriage on Thursday and this coming weekend, I am taking an all girls trip with six great girls to Lake Cumberland.

I almost went back to creamy crack at least twice but I held strong thanks for Yemi and the Mr.

Apparently, I made one of my friend break up with her now ex-boyfriend but she and I agree that it was for the best.

Speaking of dating, a couple of my friends are in dating relationship and so expect to hear a lot about that topic.

Happy Saturday!


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